Another Week, Another Foster Dog
I'll steal an idea from Niko and say "long story short" - we took the ferry to Vancouver yesterday to meet my latest foster dog. She came from Kansas and is a really cute little brindle lurcher. Oddly enough she was found as a stray in late 2001, about the same time Cuinn was found (only in a different country). I think we may add her to the menagerie if she likes it here. She has shown no signs of wanting to eat the cats and Cuinn seems to like her. We'll see. We did change her name to Skyla, after Scalath the Celtic warrior woman, as she came with the unfortunate moniker of Sissy. //shudder// You can't see it in the pic but she has a bit of wiry hair on her back and muzzle (again, like Cuinn), I think she may have some terrier in there somewhere (unlike Cuinn).

Scathach (yeah, yeah: picky, picky)
Unknown, At
5:14 PM PST
Aha! That explains why I can't find a pronounciation guide - I'm bloody spelling it wrong. . .
Sue, At
5:52 PM PST
Try here:
Unknown, At
2:09 PM PST
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