The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Heard Around the Kitchen

Rigorous What?
Chef is explaining why meat is hung and aged. Because when something dies rigorous mortis sets in and if the meat is hung, after rigorous mortis the enzymes move around again and tenderize the meat. He said it like 3 times and I didn't have the heart to put up my hand and say "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

A Slur or Not?
Someone asks how to spell zucchini, someone else says "just write zukes, likes cukes with a z." Matt says "zukes and cukes, sounds like a racial slur." Funny how some things just sound wrong.

A Hot Pot?
Sarah is carrying a hot pot to her station. We're supposed to warn people by loudly saying "hot pot" or something like that. Sarah comes around the corner and yells out "hot and heavy!" Maybe it's the cold but it struck me as really funny, I started laughing, and Sarah almost dropped her pot.


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