You Know It's Time to Walk Away From the TV When . . .
It's a toss up between a rerun of "America's Ugliest Bathroom" and "The Queen's Castle." Yuk! Saturday evening TV really bites.
I admit I did watch a bit of the bathroom show when it first aired, morbid curiosity I guess, but Doug Wilson drives me nuts, so I couldn't do that again. "The Queen's Castle" is all about Windsor Castle and could have been quite interesting if not presented in that dullest of dull CBC documentary style. I mean, how long can you listen to Prince Phillip drone on about trees before nodding off? //sigh//
I admit I did watch a bit of the bathroom show when it first aired, morbid curiosity I guess, but Doug Wilson drives me nuts, so I couldn't do that again. "The Queen's Castle" is all about Windsor Castle and could have been quite interesting if not presented in that dullest of dull CBC documentary style. I mean, how long can you listen to Prince Phillip drone on about trees before nodding off? //sigh//
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