The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Goings On

Bits and pieces of the latest around here.
The rooster isn't interested in chickens.

Or so I'm told. The rooster escaped his second day here and every once in awhile we attempt to catch him. Yesterday Selena and Mum took Owl, the mostly tame chicken, down to where Raven (the rooster) hangs out and tried to get him to follow Owl back to the coop. No go. Apparently Raven just ignored the lovely Owl. Selena and Mum were very disappointed. Back to the drawing board I guess.

Busy, busy restaurant.

The restaurant was so busy last week, that we had to turn away James Barber. I found out that the former "Urban Peasant" cooking show star/chef is a regular customer. He should know better than to come without a reservation. //smile//

Holy Recycling, Batman!

We had 7, yes 7, FULL bins out at the curb this morning. Partly due to me missing the pickup the week before last but also all the stuff from Niko's. I'm not sure if the pickup guys were impressed or not but they stacked all the bins into a leaning tower.

If I was more awake I would have taken a picture, it was quite impressive. We still have one more bin that I was just too tired to haul down to the street.

I still have to take a huge bin of glass, collected over the last year, down to the recycling centre. For some reason they don't take glass in the curbside pickup which is a pain if you don't happen to live in town.

I love the diswasher.

Not a human one, the lovely built in electrical one upstairs at Niko's. I've been hauling my dishes up and down the stairs to use that wonderful machine. It's actually worth the effort to not have to stand in front of the sink getting wet.


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