The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Red Tape Untangles

Very slowly . . .
I decided to get off my butt and tackle the red tape monster between me and course funding. Yikes!

Day One: A Wednesday. I go to Agency One to get prescreened for an appointment. Luckily they still have my file from last year. I get an appointment for the next day.
Day Two: Thursday. Back to Agency One to see counsellor. She is very helpful, we complete the Return to Work Action Plan and she gives me a list of steps to follow. However, she needs a copy of my course deposit receipt. Do I remember where it is? No.
Go to the college for a copy of the receipt. Also need to see Student Services because course payment is due the next day and my student loan is not approved. The outcome of that visit is one receipt and a phone call to make to Student Loans.
Agency One again, hand in receipt, sign paper work. It is now hotter than hell outside and my car starts complaining on the way home.

Day Three: Friday. Called Student Loans and got them to fix the problem, head back to the college. We sit and wait for 20 minutes to see the correct person. Meanwhile the person next to me chatters the whole time about her cooking skills, argghh, she's going to be in my class! I now have a tuition waiver and am saved from paying fees until my loan comes in.

Day Four: The following Wednesday. Go to an information session at Agency Three. Nothing I didn't already know, except I'd better get my ass in gear. I go up to Agency Two and get an appointment for Friday.

Day Five: Friday. Have appointment with another counsellor. She asks questions and gives me advice on filling out the application. I have to go back to see her again next Thursday, she will review my research and hopefully refer me to Agency Three.

So I guess I am about half way there. I'm still working on my labour market information and will go see a restaurant manager on Monday.


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