The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Sunday, July 11, 2004

The Last Birthday

that I need to worry about until December happened on Thursday!! Well, my ex has a birthday in August but I think the kids can handle that one. Ryan turned 15 on Thursday. So, of course, he milked it for all it was worth, meaning extra computer time and no chores. I think he was happy with what he got - mostly Lego, some Warhammer glue and paint, and some expensive chocs. We also went out to dinner at one of the few ethnic food joints in this town - it serves Vietnamese and Japanese (mostly sushi). Bizarre, but actually it was kind of neat to be able to have a salad roll and gyoza in the same meal. Then we all shared a sushi combo plate. Afterwards we went to Dairy Queen for ice cream since I had forgotten to bake Ry's cake (bad Mum!). So far, no birthday email for Ry from Dad though. Big surprise there. Well, as Nero Wolfe says," Pfui."


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