The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Follow Ups

Let's see, where to begin?

  • Unhinged Redux - I managed to fix the door to the house with those mother huge screws, then a few days later the door to our shed decided to follow suit. Sigh. It is now mostly unhinged, just hanging on at the top. This time the hinges ripped off the door, which basically means a new door.

  • Weight loss - so far I've mostly kicked the Coke habit but now drink up to 4 or 5 cups of coffee a day. I haven't actually weighed myself so I don't know if I've lost any or not. Probably not. I'll get back on that after my birthday.

  • Library book writer - I'd kind of forgotton about that rant until 2 days ago, after my last trip to the library and I got yet another defaced book. Grrr... I'm really going to write that letter to the editor this time.

  • Culinary Arts - I have been accepted into the program! It starts at the end of August. Woo-hoo! I'm very excited about the propect of playing with food and hopefully getting paid to do it at the end of this course.

  • George Lucas crush - I didn't mean to imply it was a totally horrible thing to have a crush on Mr Lucas. After all he is a pop culture icon and I am a pop culture geek. I've added some photos that explain it all - to me anyway.

George Lucas crush 1 George Lucas crush 2

My birthday is on Saturday, the same day as Free Comic Book Day. How cool is that? My sister, the kids, and I will be going to Victoria to "do" the comic shops, then hit the one up here on the way home. I wonder if they'll let me have more than 3 comics b/c it's my birthday?

I just took the Which Firefly Character Are You? test and found I am Jayne. Hmmm... I rather hoped I be Zoe, Gina Torres rocks!

Reading Material:
I've been reading a lot since we started using the library up here. I'm mostly into medieval mysteries right now - PC Doherty aka Paul Harding aka Michael Clynes, Alan Gordon, and Michael Jecks mostly. These guys put Ellis Peters to shame, although is because of Brother Cadfael that I looked for more. I'm also on an MC Beaton feeding frenzy, her Hamish McBeth and Agatha Raisin books are like candy - fun, easy to read and with a good plot. Just to keep on my toes I've got some non fiction as well - "Storm from the East", the companion book to the PBS series on the Mongol Hordes. I've also got 2 on gypies - "Gypsies of the World" and "Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies". I've had to renew already b/c these guys are heavy and not meant for bedtime reading. For bedtime reading I just reread the only 2 Red Dwarf books I have. I want to reread Hitchhikers as well but I can't find it.

On a totally differenct subject - our father actually remembered (almost) all our birthdays this year! Looks like Niko and I aren't getting a gift though, just email. Niko had to email Dad and remind him about Selena's birthday, then he sent her an email and a gift certificate to Bolen Books.

This puppy has ended up a bit longer than I planned, I guess I'd better blog more often . . .


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