The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Monday, July 05, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me!

A few days late to wish myself a Happy Birthday. Oh well. It turned out to be a busy weekend. I spent Thursday evening and Friday morning getting an online auction running for my greyhound group and Friday afternoon notifying bidders from the last auction, then finding out postage. Saturday was spent at various Free Comic Book Day venues. Sunday was mostly a day of rest, then off to my aunt's for her housewarming/an uncle's retirement/my Gramma's birthday party. It's a good thing we'll be home for a bit, the dogs were a bit put out about being left alone almost all weekend.

Saturday I came home with 10 free comics and a LotR Farimir figure (gotta love birthday money). We had nice dinner of potato salad and cold cuts, with cheesecake for dessert. The perfect end to a day spent in Mum's non-air conditioned car (note to self - get radiator fixed in your own car, you know, the one with the air conditioning!). Present wise I got an email from my Dad (woo hoo - insert sarcasm here - I guess I should be happy he remembered), a nice combo drill/sander/jigsaw set from Mum, a funky medieval themed cushion and a really cool book on the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from my sister. The book has a slipcover and everything! Selena gave me a nice picture frame she made at school and Ryan "forgot" (at least he isn't still running around telling people I'm a year older than I am).

One more birthday to go this month - Ryan turns 15 on Thursday - then I don't have any more present buying until December. 15!! Egads, does that make me feel ancient. Not only that, I found out on Sunday he is now officially taller than me. Damn, that's what I get for being "a little short on one end" . . .


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