So far, so good
I've had a busy month and even had to spend a chunk of it sans computer. Hence the lack of blogging. So far this month I've:
- Gotten a new computer!! \\insert happy dance here\\ I was ready to throw my old hunk of junk out the window. Never buy a Compaq, no matter how good the deal or the financing. I got a cool custom build from Sneakers for one third of what the Compaq cost me and Selena even got to choose the tower. Finally got a neutered mouse too.
- Spent my student loan $$. A large chunk of it for tuition, of course, and the above computer. The rest on the neccessities of life and a few books from E-Bay (books are neccessities aren't they?).
- Ran a booth at the Duncan Pet Fair for my greyhound group. Unfortunately, it was an overcast day, then the skies opened so attendance was low. Too bad as I spent an hour at Staples getting brochres photocopied the night before. \\sigh\\ I was so wet and cold when I got home that I curled up in my fuzzy blanket and took a nap.
- The next day we went to a Greyhound Planet Day walk and picnic in Victoria. We rented a van so we could travel comfortably and safely (my wipers still aren't fixed). It was a nice Grand Caravan, the kind with the seats that fold up and disappear. Very cool. Niko came with Darwin, I took Cuinn and both kids, and we met Rowena at the park. It was a nice relaxed walk.
The picnic was fun until someone gave me crap about Cuinn's nails being too long. Apparently if greyhound's nails aren't clipped regularly and kept quite short their feet flatten out. Well, Cuinn's feet are flat and he came that way, I didn't do anything to him. His nails also aren't any longer than any of the other dogs at the picnic, just more noticable with his flat feet. She was very snotty and pissed me off, but as usual I didn't think of any comebacks until it was too late. - Made soup. Lots and lots and lots of soup. Monday I made thick potato and leek, Tuesday I made chicken gumbo and Wednesday I made french onion. Yesterday, today and tomorrow and worked on (and will be working on) chicken stock and a brown veal stock. Last week I made bechamel sauce - twice, I also served caesar salad and made fettucine primavera.
We were broken into our working groups this week. My group is starting in the cafeteria and consists of my car pool (Sarah and Casey), Kyle and Joey. Kyle works in a nice restaurant so he already knows a lot and is easy to work with, Joey on the other hand is fresh out of high school so thinks he knows everything. Casey is even worse, he thinks he knows everything and is constantly telling everyone else (except Kyle) what to do. If he doesn't can it soon one of us is going to clock him one! Sarah drives like a bat out of hell, but doesn't tell anyone else what to do - I like her.
Technically we have one other group member, Michelle (the talkative one I met at Student Services) but she hasn't shown up since Wednesday last week. That means the rest of us have to cover her station, luckily Jen is a super fast dish washer and picthes in even though she's in the other group.
I've decided to blog about school more often to save poor Niko from the daily updates. Every day when I go to get Cuinn, I give her a run down of what happened. I'm sure she has better things to do than listen to her overtired sister rant. Like draw more Fey. Please. Must have more . . . - Went to bed early. Thank the Gods for digital TV! Otherwise I'd never see my shows. Lucky for me with digital I can catch the east coast feed at 6 and 7 instead of trying to stay awake until 9 and 10. These early mornings are making me feel o-l-d with a capital O.
- Did homework. Can't remember the last time I did that. Okay, I can and it was a looong time ago. We have a test tomorrow that I guess I should study for, not too much though since it's multiple guess.
Oh sure, give me more to do. (But at least I know someone is reading it.) You're really going to hate me in a few weeks when I post flashbacks to the past so I can get a few weeks ahead on the new chapter . . .
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11:35 AM PDT
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