The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Continuing Saga . . .

of my quest for funding is almost over!

I dropped off my 15 pages of justification at Agency 3 on Tuesday. My worker was sick on Wednesday, so she called Thursday at the end of the day to ask a bunch of questions that are answered somewhere in those 15 pages. Easier to ask me than actually read the forms, I guess. She can't understand my tuition amounts, so I email her those.

Friday she phones and says I haven't shown an exhaustive work search. Um, what's two years of pulling my hair out, sending out a bazillion resumes and running up my VISA balance, if not exhaustive?? So I email her my work search records.

Then she gives me the worst news. Technically, they aren't supposed to fund anyone who already has a student loan, which I do. The loan isn't enough to cover living expenses, I need a little bit extra and permission for my EI to continue while I'm studying. She says she'll have to review everything and talk to her boss. So I spend the weekend coming up with alternatives that will allow me to take the course and still eat.

I don't hear from her again until Monday afternoon, luckily I have been approved \\phew\\ and I have to go in Tuesday (today) and fill out yet another form. But, and it's a big one, I have to go back to Agency Two and have my worker there modify my Return to Work Action Plan again. Of course, she has left for the day when I call, so I email her, and end up running in there before going to Agency Three. My worker there will be couriering the paperwork wherever it has to go to be approved. Looks like I'm now done except for going back to Agency Three on Friday or maybe Monday to sign the contract (whenever it comes back from HRDC).

It's a good thing this is almost done, since classes start Monday! Now if only my loan documents would arrive so I can cash that and pay my tuition . . .


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