Dogs, dogs, and more dogs
We seem to be having a dog invasion around here lately. First we had a greyhound foster at the end of July. She was only here a week before she went to her new home. She is an absolute sweety and so small compared to our great goofy boys! Here she is with Cuinn:
Then earlier this week I hear Selena yelling at me from outside that a dog followed her home. Yeah, right! At first I thought it was one of our neighbours horrible beasts but Selena assured me it was small and wasn't going to hurt her. So out I go to find a tiny, chubby, wiggling mass of fur. It took a second to recognize her as a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I am SO not a fan of dogs smaller than or equal to my cats in size. Anything small and fuzzy sends me running for the hills (if you can't tell from the picture above Cuinn is 91 pounds and 31 inches tall).
I sent the kids off to the neighbour we think may own the dog. We always hear lots of barking of the small yappy type coming from there. Yes, it was the right place but no one was home. And another dog followed them back here! So now we have two spaniel guests. We were going to pen them in the outdoor poop zone run but it started to rain, so in they came. They were so good and Cuinn didn't mind them. It took us until the next day to get in touch with the owner. It turns out her sister was dog sitting and had been looking everywhere for the dogs. They are called Cheri and Visa, aren't they cute?
Later that day, Mum calls to tell us she has seen another one. She's been hearing it in the bush and catching glimpses for several days and it finally came out of the brush. We tried to catch her but she got away in the dark. Very early the next morning Selena comes in to my room and presents me with a beautiful little Blenheim (rust and white) Cavalier girl she has caught. We wait until a decent hour and take her home, her name is Jezebel. So we finally met those neighbours, Selena found out that puppies cost $1800 (Aack!), and got an invitation to go swim in their in-ground pool.
The last dog related incident is poor Cuinn's ear. His ear infection came back and every time he moved his head he let out a yelp. Of course, the worst of it is over the holiday weekend. Poor boy! So we took him in, he got his ear flushed and a shot. Now he has drops twice a day again for a week. I soften the blow a little by giving him one of his fave treats - Cheez Whiz. He played with his teddy yesterday, so I think he is feeling better (I wish I could say the same for my wallet).

Then earlier this week I hear Selena yelling at me from outside that a dog followed her home. Yeah, right! At first I thought it was one of our neighbours horrible beasts but Selena assured me it was small and wasn't going to hurt her. So out I go to find a tiny, chubby, wiggling mass of fur. It took a second to recognize her as a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I am SO not a fan of dogs smaller than or equal to my cats in size. Anything small and fuzzy sends me running for the hills (if you can't tell from the picture above Cuinn is 91 pounds and 31 inches tall).
I sent the kids off to the neighbour we think may own the dog. We always hear lots of barking of the small yappy type coming from there. Yes, it was the right place but no one was home. And another dog followed them back here! So now we have two spaniel guests. We were going to pen them in the outdoor poop zone run but it started to rain, so in they came. They were so good and Cuinn didn't mind them. It took us until the next day to get in touch with the owner. It turns out her sister was dog sitting and had been looking everywhere for the dogs. They are called Cheri and Visa, aren't they cute?

Later that day, Mum calls to tell us she has seen another one. She's been hearing it in the bush and catching glimpses for several days and it finally came out of the brush. We tried to catch her but she got away in the dark. Very early the next morning Selena comes in to my room and presents me with a beautiful little Blenheim (rust and white) Cavalier girl she has caught. We wait until a decent hour and take her home, her name is Jezebel. So we finally met those neighbours, Selena found out that puppies cost $1800 (Aack!), and got an invitation to go swim in their in-ground pool.
The last dog related incident is poor Cuinn's ear. His ear infection came back and every time he moved his head he let out a yelp. Of course, the worst of it is over the holiday weekend. Poor boy! So we took him in, he got his ear flushed and a shot. Now he has drops twice a day again for a week. I soften the blow a little by giving him one of his fave treats - Cheez Whiz. He played with his teddy yesterday, so I think he is feeling better (I wish I could say the same for my wallet).
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