The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Washing Machine Strikes Again

A month or so ago my apron strings got wound up in the agitator and one string was ripped off as we attempted to liberate the apron. Not so bad, eventually the string unwound and was released, although I still have to sew it back together. So I have an extra apron.

Well, last night the machine struck again. Not content with a mere apron string, it decided to try to consume the apron and my chef's jacket. No amount of swearing, crying and assorted tugging has be able to convince it to let go of my clothing. Apparently the agitator is rusted on, as it will not come off either. //grrr//

I was allowed to wear my backup jacket and was issued yet another apron. Just in case, I hand washed my uniform tonight and will get one of my "uncles who know things" to tackle the machine on the weekend. //sigh//

I also had a minor measuring mishap yesterday that buggered up my pizza dough today. I was scaling out muffin mix at 4 pounds per bowl, then switched to pizza dough. I read 2.2 kilos but weighed out 2.2 pounds. Ooops! I had to toss that attempt and start again. //sigh again//

On the good side, I've gotten pretty good at scones and pizza rolls, and have learned some interesting things about cakes. I didn't know that you had to cream butter for eons in a proper mixer with a paddle, not smush it with a spoon and move on. No wonder all my scratch cakes (with the exception of cheesecake) have that vague resemblance to bricks. Interesting stuff . . .


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