The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It's a Bird, It's a Plane . . .

No, it's a bird! Today brought yet another arrival at Chez Sucker, this time a rooster named Raven (mostly black oddly enough). He came from the same friend of Selena's that had Inu Yasha and five million other rabbits. They are apparently overstocked on roosters now and poor Raven was destined for the stew pot. Selena named him shortly after he hatched and couldn't bear to see him go, so she worked for 2 days straight to make our chicken coop habitable.

Anyway, now we have to finish up the outside run so Raven can have a harem, apparently he is lonely. How can she tell when he's only been here 5 minutes? Oh well, I do like having fresh eggs.


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