More Abandoned Blogs and 1 Funny Irishman
The other day while waiting for dinner to reheat I decided to surf around Blogger again. This time instead of using the "Next Blog" link I tried clicking on random keywords in my profile. Oddly enough, I had pretty much the same type of results as using the "Next Blog" link, except no porn this time.
Among the abandoned and neglected blogs I came across kosterblog, where an Irish guy named Greg Koster (who now lives in San Francisco) blogs his "random thoughts." The ones I read were pretty funny, like how everyone in his building seems to be having sex while he is home on Friday night ironing or putting together furniture. A funny link to visit is the Arcata Eye Police Logs page, where it notes all the police reports made in that community. Very funny stuff. He also has a link to Last Year's Pussy by ShannonK, which is worth checking out just to see why she chose that blog name.
Among the abandoned and neglected blogs I came across kosterblog, where an Irish guy named Greg Koster (who now lives in San Francisco) blogs his "random thoughts." The ones I read were pretty funny, like how everyone in his building seems to be having sex while he is home on Friday night ironing or putting together furniture. A funny link to visit is the Arcata Eye Police Logs page, where it notes all the police reports made in that community. Very funny stuff. He also has a link to Last Year's Pussy by ShannonK, which is worth checking out just to see why she chose that blog name.
Thanks for posting about kosterblog and last year's pussy. I actually posted a reply to kosterblog with my own "neighbours having sex" story. I loved last year's pussy's description of her meditation mantra being “Fuck, fuck, fuck, credit report, fuck, pet deposit, fuck, move-in costs, double fuck, etc. etc.” That sounds about right.
Rowena Hart, At
6:29 PM PDT
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