Something Wicked This Way
Came . . .
A couple of days ago I was eating breakfast and heard some ungodly noise coming from the chicken coop. I looked outside and didn't see anything, or any chickens for that matter. Then I noticed all the outside dogs in the neighbourhood are barking. They don't usually all bark at once. I decide to go investigate and find that the roosters have herded all the chickens into the coop and are standing watch just outside the door (and making a horrible racket!). I did quick check and found nothing. Very spooky! I think it must have been some sort of critter passing through to get all the dogs barking. After a few minutes the chickens were allowed out and all returned to normal.
Of course, my dogs slept through the whole thing on the couch . . .
A couple of days ago I was eating breakfast and heard some ungodly noise coming from the chicken coop. I looked outside and didn't see anything, or any chickens for that matter. Then I noticed all the outside dogs in the neighbourhood are barking. They don't usually all bark at once. I decide to go investigate and find that the roosters have herded all the chickens into the coop and are standing watch just outside the door (and making a horrible racket!). I did quick check and found nothing. Very spooky! I think it must have been some sort of critter passing through to get all the dogs barking. After a few minutes the chickens were allowed out and all returned to normal.
Of course, my dogs slept through the whole thing on the couch . . .
Guard roosters! Cool. I never realized roosters were so clever. (So I guess you didn't take rooster-that-was-meant-to-be-chicken back to the chicken lady and demand your money back?)
Unknown, At
6:31 AM PST
Yeah, apparently roosters aren't just decorative.
No, "Fluffy" is still here, bigger and bossier than ever. He actually has turned into quite a good looking rooster (instead of one very ugly chicken). I figured it would cost me more in gas to go back to the chicken lady and poor Fluffy would end up as lunch seeing as he doesn't lay eggs.
Sue, At
8:45 AM PST
So, is Fluffy going to be Daddy soon? Have your gals starting casting suggestive glances his way, you know, maybe showing a bit of leg and some boobage?
Rowena Hart, At
11:17 AM PST
Ha, ha, ha! The girls aren't as impressed with Fluffy as he is with himself.
Sue, At
12:42 PM PST
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