My Son, "the Smart One"
When I got home from work last night Ryan told me that he was going to be going tubing at Mt Washington (the ski hill a few hours from here) with his cousins today. Great! What time was he getting picked up? Sometime around 4pm, he says. I thought that was bit odd but he was sure about it. Fast forward to the knocking on the door at 0630 this morning. Ahh, Ryan's cousins are here. Ryan is, of course, fast asleep. I wake him up and he gets moving but still isn't awake and thinks he has slept all day. While his cousin Nikki is waiting for him at the door his other cousin runs up to see what is taking so long. He says "Ryan is still in bed? He got the times wrong? I thought he was the smart one!"
I had to laugh! Ry is smart but not exactly what I'd call organized. //sigh// He's just a typical teenage boy. I'm so glad that even though he will be 17 soon that he isn't interested in driving yet (I already have enough grey hair). There does seem to be a conspiracy against me getting any sleep lately - between this morning's early rising, my noctural phone caller and the dogs deciding 4am is a good time to play. . .
I had to laugh! Ry is smart but not exactly what I'd call organized. //sigh// He's just a typical teenage boy. I'm so glad that even though he will be 17 soon that he isn't interested in driving yet (I already have enough grey hair). There does seem to be a conspiracy against me getting any sleep lately - between this morning's early rising, my noctural phone caller and the dogs deciding 4am is a good time to play. . .
Yikes. 17.
You know, I was 17 when Ry was born. Eeek.
And Deva's Ryan just turned 16. I feel so old.
Unknown, At
10:49 AM PST
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