Ho, ho, ho!
So now it's officially Christmas I can open what's left of my gifts. //grin// Thank you Niko for the books and the really cool measuring spoons. I've started the book on cheese, it is fascinating, and I can hardly wait to make stuff from the cookbook.
With the kids in Victoria it has been very quiet here, so I got the "peace & quiet" that I asked for - finally. Last night I drank cyser, ate the handmade chocolates Jennifer gave me and watched "Galaxy Quest." I could have gone out but really just wanted a quiet evening with the pets. Today I'm making myself I giant omelette in my new pan with eggs from our chickens (they are down to about 1 or 2 eggs a day now), having a long shower, making some cheesecake chocolate cupcakes, and much later in the day going with Mum to uncle Darryl's for dinner. Another uncle is picking up Gramma on his way past, so we don't have to go SO early, and John is going up with Val. I almost decided to stay home but a) would have to cook my own damn turkey and b) Mum would have to drive up by herself. So off I go to the family dinner.
I still am not totally sure when we are visiting the other grandparents and Dad & Cat, my work situation seems to change by the minute. Unfortunately I am not in a position to turn down ANY hours, so the rest has to work around it. So far Wednesday morning is the best candidate but we may end up showing up unannounced. . .
With the kids in Victoria it has been very quiet here, so I got the "peace & quiet" that I asked for - finally. Last night I drank cyser, ate the handmade chocolates Jennifer gave me and watched "Galaxy Quest." I could have gone out but really just wanted a quiet evening with the pets. Today I'm making myself I giant omelette in my new pan with eggs from our chickens (they are down to about 1 or 2 eggs a day now), having a long shower, making some cheesecake chocolate cupcakes, and much later in the day going with Mum to uncle Darryl's for dinner. Another uncle is picking up Gramma on his way past, so we don't have to go SO early, and John is going up with Val. I almost decided to stay home but a) would have to cook my own damn turkey and b) Mum would have to drive up by herself. So off I go to the family dinner.
I still am not totally sure when we are visiting the other grandparents and Dad & Cat, my work situation seems to change by the minute. Unfortunately I am not in a position to turn down ANY hours, so the rest has to work around it. So far Wednesday morning is the best candidate but we may end up showing up unannounced. . .
You must have many measuring spoons by now, but those ones were just too cool to pass up.
Unknown, At
12:37 PM PST
They are very cool and I expect to use them a lot. I used one yesterday when I needed to measure 2 T of batter 20 times for the cupcakes. Love those spoons!
Sue, At
5:02 PM PST
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