The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Monday, December 19, 2005


Two days ago I was taking the dogs out and about to let the chickens out when I heard a God awful noise coming from the chicken coop. It sounded like something was in there murdering hens! I very carefully opened the door to see - nothing - just hens (and roosters) on the roost. Then I looked down and right beside the food tray is an egg. Finally! A nice warm blue-ish green-ish egg. A very expensive egg.

We've had the chickens since June(?) I think and have been waiting for eggs ever since, so this was truly worth it's weight in gold. //grin//

On to yesterday, when I called home on my way home from work (my 5th shift in 3 days) I thought I was hearing things when Selena told me she had collected 18 eggs. 18! We only have 4 hens. Most of the eggs were a light brown, 3 were pinkish and there was one more greenish one. Apparently Ninja lays the greenish eggs and Selena thinks Owl layed the rest because she was the one on the nest when Selena found the eggs.

Needless to say we gave eggs to Mum and Gramma, and I will probably be making some sort of egg related dessert this week (I just bought eggs the day before all this laying happened).


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