Apparently Hell Has Frozen Over
Ha, ha, ha! Yes, that means I have an actual schedule for work. Subject to change depending on how busy we are, but a schedule nonetheless. And it's a two weeker!
So today I am cleaning house (got a new vacuum - it's a hideous shade of orange but that shouldn't affect it's funtioning), getting new mattresses in the Great Mattress (& Bed) Exchange of 2006, and possibly going so far as to garden. Tomorrow the car goes into the shop for a long overdue fixing up (it will be fun to sneak up on the kids since they won't be able to hear the car from 2K away!).
The Great Mattress (& Bed) Exchange involves Mum re-arranging her house due to Gramma's move to the trailer park and having excess beds (and mattresses). So she is moving beds around and getting the tops of our bunk beds (that are never used) for her spare room. We are getting an excess queen mattress and box spring set, and a new twin mattress for Selena. Our mattresses, which are quite beyond redemption, are going to the dump or possibly Sqornshellous Zeta.
Other than that, my Ebay shirts arrived (finally!), Selena is off to the beach today, and I didn't die at Curves. I've been twice now and other than all sorts of neglected muscles aching, I seem to be OK. I've actually had more energy, or at least been less tired, this week. Yay!
So today I am cleaning house (got a new vacuum - it's a hideous shade of orange but that shouldn't affect it's funtioning), getting new mattresses in the Great Mattress (& Bed) Exchange of 2006, and possibly going so far as to garden. Tomorrow the car goes into the shop for a long overdue fixing up (it will be fun to sneak up on the kids since they won't be able to hear the car from 2K away!).
The Great Mattress (& Bed) Exchange involves Mum re-arranging her house due to Gramma's move to the trailer park and having excess beds (and mattresses). So she is moving beds around and getting the tops of our bunk beds (that are never used) for her spare room. We are getting an excess queen mattress and box spring set, and a new twin mattress for Selena. Our mattresses, which are quite beyond redemption, are going to the dump or possibly Sqornshellous Zeta.
Other than that, my Ebay shirts arrived (finally!), Selena is off to the beach today, and I didn't die at Curves. I've been twice now and other than all sorts of neglected muscles aching, I seem to be OK. I've actually had more energy, or at least been less tired, this week. Yay!
Not that this has anything to do with Hell, really, but is Shaw webmail working for you? I haven't even been able to load the page since yesterday (I was out most of the day, so I can't say exactly when). I need to check my email!!
Unknown, At
7:27 AM PDT
Ack, never mind. It's working now.
Unknown, At
12:49 PM PDT
I did have a problem with it yesterday, glad it wasn't just me.
Sue, At
4:05 PM PDT
I was hoping it wasn't just me . . .
One the b-day front, I've got Lena's present and will hopefully mail it Monday. It might not arrive in time, but at least it'll be on the way.
As for Ryan's, I need some more info. Which Rainbow 6 does he want? I saw at least two different ones. And which Final Fantasy? I'm not sure if XII is out yet . . .
And what do you want? I could get a gift card, but I'd rather get something more personal.
Unknown, At
5:17 PM PDT
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