The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Sunday, October 03, 2004


Time flies some more. . . Actually, I'm mostly happy that time flies, it means I'm busy, not sitting waiting for the day to end. I just wish the weekends would go a little slower.
So this week at school I learned:

  • to always read the package to see how much is in it before opening it. That way I wouldn't have had to refreeze 2 packages of imitation crab.

  • to never listen to anything Casey says. 90% of the time he is totally wrong and the other 10% he is mostly wrong. Our group have decided to ignore him unless absolutely neccessary.

  • to read the whole recipe a day or two ahead to make sure I don't need to order anything in, like zucchini for the beef skewers.

  • how to make Chicken Kiev, very tasty Beef Skewers, roast leg of lamb to die for, and the prettiest crab cakes I've ever seen.

I also did a million questions for homework, which is due on Wednesdays, before we've even covered all the material in lectures. Oh well. \\shrug\\ Test day is on Friday, so far I'm doing very well, 55/56 last week and 56/58 the week before.

I was going to make potato and leek soup this weekend but I forgot the whipping cream, so I guess I'll whip it up \\pun intended\\ tomorrow after school. I think I have all the ingreds for scones but I have to double check the recipe at school before I try them.

In other news, there isn't much other news. I'm now caught up on PC Doherty's Alexander the Great books - read two this week. I finished one CL Grace (aka PC Doherty) Kathryn Swinbrooke today and started another. Did lots of dishes, some laundry and took a whack at cleaning out the shed. Excitement galore around here.


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