Stupid Phone Company
What's worse than getting a new phone number and finding it hasn't been out of service very long so you get a million calls for the last people who had the number? Getting a new phone number that someone is still using!
After waiting most of the day for our new number to kick in I was quite excited to get a dial tone. I called the number Telus said I would get from my cell and the phone doesn't ring. Hmm. So I call from the land line to my cell and get the number off the caller id. Not the same one Telus said I would get but I wasn't worried since my confirmation email said "This number is not firm until the line is connected."
Later this afternoon we get a call from someone saying we have their phone number. It takes me a few minute to clue that she means their current phone number. Great. I hate answering the phone anyway, hence caller id, now I have to forward phone calls for someone else. //sigh// She was going to call Telus and I emailed customer service, hopefully they will fix it soon. In the meantime I have to go and email everyone that I sent my new number to and tell them "never mind."
[15 Sep, 0724, edited to add:
As of getting home from work last night, we are back to NO phone service. When I left we still had our neighbours number, later no dial tone. I have no idea how long it will take for them to get it right. //sigh//]
[15 Sep, 1040, edited to add:
Arrggh! I emailed customer service and they replied -"Your service should be working as of Sept 13. If it is not we'll need you to call Telus Repair at 611, because they would be the area to contact now that your order is showing processed."
Which part of "I have no phone service" didn't they hoist in? I sent a form to Repair from the Contact Us page on the Telus website. //grrr//
And of course - "Your billing has begun on Sept 13, so once it is up and running please contact 310-2255 so they can apply a suitable credit for any time you were not in service."
Yeah, OK. As much as Rogers drives me nuts, if they had land line service available here I'd be all over that. //sigh// Stay tuned . . . ]
After waiting most of the day for our new number to kick in I was quite excited to get a dial tone. I called the number Telus said I would get from my cell and the phone doesn't ring. Hmm. So I call from the land line to my cell and get the number off the caller id. Not the same one Telus said I would get but I wasn't worried since my confirmation email said "This number is not firm until the line is connected."
Later this afternoon we get a call from someone saying we have their phone number. It takes me a few minute to clue that she means their current phone number. Great. I hate answering the phone anyway, hence caller id, now I have to forward phone calls for someone else. //sigh// She was going to call Telus and I emailed customer service, hopefully they will fix it soon. In the meantime I have to go and email everyone that I sent my new number to and tell them "never mind."
[15 Sep, 0724, edited to add:
As of getting home from work last night, we are back to NO phone service. When I left we still had our neighbours number, later no dial tone. I have no idea how long it will take for them to get it right. //sigh//]
[15 Sep, 1040, edited to add:
Arrggh! I emailed customer service and they replied -"Your service should be working as of Sept 13. If it is not we'll need you to call Telus Repair at 611, because they would be the area to contact now that your order is showing processed."
Which part of "I have no phone service" didn't they hoist in? I sent a form to Repair from the Contact Us page on the Telus website. //grrr//
And of course - "Your billing has begun on Sept 13, so once it is up and running please contact 310-2255 so they can apply a suitable credit for any time you were not in service."
Yeah, OK. As much as Rogers drives me nuts, if they had land line service available here I'd be all over that. //sigh// Stay tuned . . . ]
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