What Time Is It?
Here is another cool feature I found the other day - the World Time Server. Being the mathimatically challenged person I am, it's faster for me to click the bookmark and have the time instantly than to first remember how many hours the time difference is and do the math. So here is the time in Halifax and Tunisia and Bhutan.
There is also a cool thing called Meeting Planner to help figure out when people in each chosen area will actually be awake. Very cool.
There is also a cool thing called Meeting Planner to help figure out when people in each chosen area will actually be awake. Very cool.
I have a widget on my Mac dashboard that lets me find out what time it is anywhere in the world. It's cool. There's also a weather widget. Nyah, nyah. (Or something.)
Unknown, At
10:06 AM PDT
Oh! I want widgets. //pout// Guess the next machine better be a Mac.
Sue, At
11:27 AM PDT
I shall covert you yet! Hwah ha ha!
Unknown, At
2:46 PM PDT
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