The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


We have a land line. I can't believe how long it took. The Telus guys came out today to make sure it was working, apparently they'd fixed it at the main switching place just before the repair guys arrived. It sounds like it's exactly what I said it was - connected in the wrong place. //sigh//

Anyway, it works now and those who are getting the number have been sent it via email. However, it doesn't mean I'll answer the phone any more than I do now. //grin// It does mean - that if I need 911 I don't have to try to explain where I live, that Selena can now talk to her friends for hours (we'll see) without extra billing minutes, and that we can use long distance if the mood strikes without having a ridiculous bill at the end. Also, I can hook up my fancy new fax/printer/scanner thingy and send faxes without having to go to Staples and pay almost $1 a page.


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