The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Why is it? #4 (I Think)

Why is it that people in government offices always phone on a Friday afternoon? They leave a cryptic message with their name and number, never why they are calling, so you have to wonder all weekend what they want.

Yep, EI called yesterday afternoon. Great. I hope nothing was wrong with my claim, that ended last January.

Update :
First of all I had to wait through a 5 minute long voicemail message before I could even enter the extention number, then the person I needed to talk to was not available. That was Monday. This morning he calls back and asks me to participate in a survey about my retraining experience. Arghh! Why could he not say that in his first message!? I've been worrying all weekend, although Chris at work reminded me that when the government wants something (like money) they send a letter.


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