If a Tree Falls . . .
How much does it cost the neighbour? About a grand if he drops it on the power line connected to his house.
That's what our neighbour did last weekend. We were out doing yard work when we heard the chainsaw, then saw the power lines vibrating like crazy. Sure enough a few minutes later he came by to borrow a phone since the tree had ripped the power, phone and cable lines off his house. He had to get Hydro to come and turn the power off so an electrician could reattach everything. This guy works for a landscaping company! Now we know who NOT to call when we need some trees worked on.
That's what our neighbour did last weekend. We were out doing yard work when we heard the chainsaw, then saw the power lines vibrating like crazy. Sure enough a few minutes later he came by to borrow a phone since the tree had ripped the power, phone and cable lines off his house. He had to get Hydro to come and turn the power off so an electrician could reattach everything. This guy works for a landscaping company! Now we know who NOT to call when we need some trees worked on.
OMG, reminds me of when I was a teenager and we were taking our sailboat out of the water at the end of the summer. It was quite a lot of work getting it up onto the trailer, but we finally did, and then drove away.
Well wouldn't you know we forgot to take down the mast, and we took down a bunch of wires! Doh!
., At
4:31 AM PDT
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