Vanity update
So, I got my hair cut. I gave in and went to the cheapo place because both kids needed cuts too. The stylist I got didn't seem to be too experienced and I didn't get quite the cut I wanted but overall I think it's good. I did get complemented on the cut and colour when I was at Superstore post cut. //big smile//
Here's the real biggie - I bought makeup. Like, actual makeup, not just mascara and liner. Of course, I had to hide it from Selena (the main reason I hardly ever buy makeup). I found a nice foundation that doesn't make my skin itch and evens out that stupid cheek redness (yes, Carmindy is right, foundation rules). And I got a couple of nice shadows.
Yes, I will post pics when I get to that point. I decided the new shirt I got is a little too pale for pics and am now looking for a darker one. I'm suddenly a clothes maniac, now that I see how I look in things that fit. Yes, Niko, I know you told me that back in the summer. You were right.
Here's the real biggie - I bought makeup. Like, actual makeup, not just mascara and liner. Of course, I had to hide it from Selena (the main reason I hardly ever buy makeup). I found a nice foundation that doesn't make my skin itch and evens out that stupid cheek redness (yes, Carmindy is right, foundation rules). And I got a couple of nice shadows.
Yes, I will post pics when I get to that point. I decided the new shirt I got is a little too pale for pics and am now looking for a darker one. I'm suddenly a clothes maniac, now that I see how I look in things that fit. Yes, Niko, I know you told me that back in the summer. You were right.
Ha ha ha! I was right!
Erm. Yes. How did you find foundation the right colour? Did you ask one of those people at the drugstore makeup counter, or just try to go by eye? I'm always afraid I'll get the wrong colour, so I never buy any.
Also, I'm cheap.
Unknown, At
10:58 AM PST
Well, because I am cheap, I bought some Revlon at Walmart. I tried the sample on my hand and picked the one I could see the least.
Unfortunately, I didn't hide it well enough because Selena has already borrowed it. //sigh// She has a microscopic zit she wanted to cover. Of course, the foundation was SO obvious since she has a totally different skin colour. I bought her one of those green cover sticks today but apparently it's TOO green, so back to the store we go (not today though).
Sue, At
12:06 PM PST
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