The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Danactive Yogurt Drinks

Here I am with another product trial from BzzAgent. This time it was DanActive yogurt drinks. I will say that I'm very skeptical of this whole probiotics craze. I mean, yogurt has always had bacteria and we always knew it was good for us. I'm not sure that it's even better because it has a name.

So here is the scoop from the makers: "Not all probiotics confer the same benefits — while some promote to improve digestive transit, others can help strengthen your natural defenses, DanActive® is the only probiotic drink with L. casei Defensis® and the only one proven to help strengthen your natural defenses as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle." So there you are, not all bacteria are created equal . .

So since it was free, I tried it. The only flavour I could find was strawberry, which is not my favourite unless it is an actual ripe strawberry. I thought it tasted OK for strawberry and was wondering why it came in a tiny bottle, well "turns out studies have shown that the 10 billion beneficial bacteria in each bottle of DanActive® is the amount needed to help strengthen your natural defenses— that’s why it comes in such a perfectly-sized, effective 93mL bottle." So mystery solved. And I did end up taking the bottles to work and drinking them for a pick me up snack. I would really like to try the cranberry flavour. Again, I have coupons and a scratch card for a "win yogurt for a year" contest - if anyone wants one, I have a few left.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

In case you were wondering

why it is taking me so long to moderate comments. I keep forgetting my blogger password and have had to wait until I have time to reset it. Apparently all my standard web passwords are too short, so when I make a longer one I inevitably forget it and end up locking myself out of my accounts. sigh . . .


Another one of my random musings. Why does my cell phone continue to beep to tell me the battery is low thereby using up the battery?

Monday, May 03, 2010

So My Next Project

Is to figure out it I can blog from my phone. I seem to think of little things I'd like to post when I'm not at the computer so I think it would be useful. I have this nice new to me beautiful blue KRZR that appears to be able to connect to the internet (and the zero key works on this one!), although I have no idea what the fees are. Stand by for practicing in the next week . . .

Sunday, May 02, 2010

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest (Millennium, #3) The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest by Stieg Larsson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Another great read from this author. It was a bit long and there were a few parts I could have done without as they didn't really contribute to the story but all in all a riveting read.

View all my reviews >>

So . . . 3 Years Later . . .

I finally get around to updating my blog. I've had tons of ideas for posts, then forgotten about them by the time I get home. sigh.
So, obviously, I am back from Afghanistan unscathed, it was a fascinating journey and someday I will post about it. In the meantime, I'll think up something interesting to post in the next few days.
Also, I see my picture has disappeared because I let the domain name it was stored under expire, so I'll have to get my files and find a new pic.
That's all for now but I promise I'll be back soon . . . Really . . .