The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Things I'll Do

to make a little cash. I forgot to mention the results of medical, dental and pysch evalutions. Apparently I am not insane or at least not enough to be kept home from deployment. I am in good health and have excellent eyesight //yay!!//. My dental hygiene though has always left something to be desired. Quite a lot according to the base dentist who wouldn't sign off on my form until I had a "scaling and root planing." Sounds painful, doesn't it? Well, it was.

Ouch, ouch, ouch! My jaw still hurts. I've been twice to a local dentist office (who were kind enough to squeeze me in to their busy schedule at short notice) and have had "the worst of it" scraped off my teeth with an ultrasonic scraping thingy. For 2.5 hours, fortunately in two appointments or I wouldn't be able to move my jaw at all. I still have to go back for another round of fine tuning. I now know more about periodontal //sp?// disease than I care to and have an arsenal of personal teeth cleaning implements / torture devices (that I now know why I have to use them). You might say I've been scared straight. I never, never, never, did I mention never, want to have to do that again. Off to floss now . . .

Monday, October 16, 2006

What Was I Thinking?!?

I'm going to Kingston on Sunday (leaving for Ottawa on Saturday), with very little in the way of hair and it's F-ing cold back East right now. Yikes! You can bet I'll be buying a toque & scarf or two on payday, not to mention a decent sweater. Ahhh! I hate the cold . . .

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Surprise! I Have a Nephew (or 5 . . .)

No, Niko and I don't have a recently discovered long lost sibling with children (or one without children for that matter). I got an email last week from one of Gulzar's nephews and he called me "Aunty". I have confirmed that it is a polite form of address for older people (as if I didn't feel old enough). For those with short term memory loss, Gulzar is my friend in Pakistan.

Anyway, this is my "nephew" Sajid. He is 24 and planning to go to Cavendish College in London this winter to complete a pre Masters program in Hospitality. From there he is hoping to do an MBA. And as the title suggests, he has 4 younger brothers (no pics of them yet).

As long as I am posting pics of my Pakistani "family", this is Gulzar's daughter Fiza. I hope he will send me a better pic than this one from her National Identity Card (same as passport photos - no smiling allowed). She is actually a very giggly 7.5 yr old //grin//.

Hair Razing Experience

Here they are, due to popular demand, pics of our Cops for Cancer head shave. We decided not to go completely bald but to do a buzz instead. Either way, a lot of hair hit the ground.

Selena (who btw has threatened to kill me if I post these pics here)

Me (with the silly grin)

Fatima (who had the most hair of all to lose)

Yeah, my natural hair colour is gray. Very gray. //sigh. . .// People keep telling me I should leave it that way. Ha! I don't think so.