The Chronicles of Sorsha Darkhorse

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Multibionta Vitamins trial for BzzAgent

First of all, I like the smell of these vitamins. Often the smell will turn me off and I can't even think about taking them. These smell nice and they are a good size. After about the first week I noticed I was having fewer "digestive issues" than usual and by the end of the month I notice I have hardly any. I think by taking these with food and the added probiotics it has kind of kickstarted proper digestion. So I feel healthier and less gassy.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

More on Scrubbing Bubbles

So here is my update on the Scrubbing Bubbles Extend a Clean Power Sprayer that I received to try out. I found the product worked about the same as the regular version (The regular version of the product works quite well and is one is usually buy) and I really didn't notice if the tub stayed cleaner longer. Perhaps I will in future as I continue to use the product. And like I said before - I love the continuous spray feature!
Remember I got this product from Scrubbing Bubbles via free to try and review.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Answer Year - November

November is clutter clearing month. I have discovered so much misc crap that this month may extend into December. I think things actually multiply in the closets, either that or all my missing socks, etc are transmogrifying (is that even a word?) into other things, which would explain why I find stuff I've never seen before. LOL

My current goal is to get the three Rubbermaid bins of "treasures" listed on Ebay so they can be shipped out before the end of the month.

Answer Year - October

Yep, it's late. And I didn't actually get it done either. October was supposed to be exercise month. First I chickened out going to the gym, then I got the Cold That Wouldn't Die, so I have yet to start. I hope to get that going soon and backdate the info for October. So, October was Thinking About Exercising month. sigh.

Another product trial

I got more free stuff! Since I belong to I was given a full size "Scrubbing Bubbles Extend a Clean" to try out and review. It has a continuous spray option that I love, love, love - no more squirt, squirt, squirt until your fingers are sore. It cleans as well as regular Scrubbing Bubbles but I'll have to update in 4 days to let you know if it stays clean as advertised.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Answer Month 1 - September - Saving Face

I realize September is almost over but I just thought of documenting the whole Answer Year process. So, month one is all about age. More specifically the age of my face. I've never been one for moisturizers and cleansers and masques and toners and all that stuff except when I was a teenager and didn't need it. Unfortunately my poor facial skin has paid the price. I've noticed lots of sun damage recently and more redness than in the old days, so I decided to do something about it.

Luckily for me, a coworker who is currently a massage therapist (and cooking student) also spent 17 years in the beauty and cosmetics industry and knows exactly what I need. Specifically :

Day time: clean face with a gentle cleanser
apply Avene redness relief soothing cream spf 25
apply Roc retinol correction eye cream
Optional: Avene thermal spray water
Also: Roc multi Correxion tone perfecting treatment for brown spots

Night time: clean face with a gentle cleanser
apply Reversa anti-spot night care lotion
apply Roc retinol correction eye cream

The products should last about 3 months each, so for about $100 investment, not bad. I don't yet have the tone perfecting treatment, I ended up ordering it from since no one local had it. Everything else came from London Drugs or Shoppers. Apparently it will take a month or so after slowly introducing each additional product for me to really see results. Liz says she can see a change already but she has the eye of a pro.

So there you have it, month one. I'll post some before and after shots at the end of the year (ie June 2011), then we'll see if it worked. October starts tomorrow but I'll be posting my October change on Monday after I try it out (if I don't chicken out).

The Year of the Answer

Or what to do when you turn 42. If you don't know what "the answer is 42" means, run, don't walk, to your local library and check out "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. Or if you don't feel like all that exercise just Google it. The short description is from Wikipedia "In the first novel and radio series, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42."

The point of all this rambling is that I have decided to use my Answer year as a sort of self improvement boot camp by adding one change to my lifestyle every month. Hopefully I won't have as much trouble as Arthur Dent - "I seem to be having this tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle. As soon as I reach some kind of definite policy about what is my kind of music and my kind of restaurant and my kind of overdraft, people start blowing up my kind of planet and throwing me out of their kind of spaceships!"

Stay tuned!