Time Flies . . .
We got a new foster dog yesterday. Lucky for me someone else brought her down from Nanaimo so I didn't have to stop the laundry process. She will be here for about a week before heading to her new home. What a cute little thing (she's the black one)! Don't let the pic fool you, she is tiny. I'll get a shot of her next to Darwin and Cuinn for perspective.

On a not so good note, Mr Cuinn decided to potty in the house. \\sigh\\ He has separation anxiety and usually goes to Niko during the day but I thought with company he'd be OK. I guess because she was crated and he was loose he thought I'd abandoned him.
Today at school was a busy one. I was running all day putting together Chicken Kiev because Casey didn't do any prep on Friday. \\grrr\\ Now I've got to go do homework, after I run to the library and the grocery store.