Or not. //snort//
I believe I am now offically "Old."
Last night we (Ryan, Selena and I) went to the Halloween Dance at 'Lene's school (stay tuned for a pic of Selena's costume) and afterwards we dropped in at a party at Sarah's place. I thought I should go because she has had at least two get togethers with people from school and I'm almost the only one who hasn't been.
So we arrive at the party around 8-ish to be greeted by Sarah's buddy Al, a biker dude / tattoo artist who is well on his way to totally tanked or high or something. //errgghh// Okaaaay . . . Not too many people are there yet, luckily the rest are still sober.
Sarah thought ahead and had set up her spare bedroom for guest's children to hang out in, play lego or watch videos, and designated the upstairs a no smoking zone. Jenn was there with her hubby and kids , and Angelina arrived a bit later with her kids. The plan was to have the kids upstairs and the adults downstairs, although it was only about 30 min before Selena came looking for me.
The adults go downstairs, we had a nice chat and I skipped the joint that was going around. //bleach// What I thought was funny was Jenn was drinking a super caffienated drink to stay awake, yet toking on the joint. I was wondering how you could be hyper and mellow at the same time?
We ended up staying about an hour because Selena wanted to get home for
Gundam Seed and the whole "get shitfaced/stoned" scene really doesn't do it for me. I think Sarah was disappointed we didn't stay longer and I felt kinda like a fogey for bailing.
Maybe I'm not old, just mature or at least not immature or a good role model or something more positive that doesn't sound totally boring . . .